Odor coming from my ducts

For a while, everytime our heating system turned on it stunk like burnt hair, which is one of the worst smells ever.

It got to a point where my wife and I stopped having people over during the winter.

We used to procrastinate turning on the heating system for as long as we could during the winter. We hated it so much, but couldn’t figure out what the problem was. Last winter, we decided it was time to get to the bottom of this and to solve the problem. Not everyone has that burnt hair odor, so neither should we. I started out by swapping out the air filter plus cleaning the inside of the system,which ultimately didn’t do anything. Then I washed our walls, ceiling plus floors hoping that the odor was being pulled into our ductwork. That didn’t do anything at all. After some research, I thought maybe the heating equipment itself needed to be cleaned professionally. I hired a girl for HVAC maintenance. She did a great job. She cleaned, oiled and even tightened up loose parts. That didn’t fix the odor though. We finally called our Heating plus A/C supplier to ask them what the deal was. The receptionist was extremely friendly and knew exactly what the problem was. She suggested that there might be some build up of dust and hair in the ductwork. As heated air passed through, it caused a burning smell to come with it. We were able to hire someone to come and clean the ductwork professionally. It was a simple task for the HVAC worker and it was worth the money because it completely got rid of the horrible smell.

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