Purchasing a home air cleaner

A few years ago I decided that I was going to purchase an air purification method for my home.

My children have allergies and were always coughing and sneezing from the dust that came through the heating and cooling vents.

It seemed like every morning the kids were waking up feeling sick and stuffy. I did some research and found that an air purification system would be really helpful when it comes to eliminating allergens in the air. After contacting my local heating and cooling company, I learned that I could get air purification installed as an attachment to our current heating and cooling method. It operates in a way where it simply cleans the air as it travels through the ductwork. When the air comes through the vents, it is rid of all dust, dirt and odors that might trigger allergies. The maintenance seemed easy, as well. I just needed to get a maintenance plan with the HVAC company. We planned the installation a few years ago, but COVID hit and we were forced to cancel because the HVAC company was not doing any in-home services. After a much longer time than we anticipated, things finally started to get back to normalcy. The one issue is that air purification systems were in way higher demand due to COVID. It took a few additional months before the HVAC company was able to reschedule and install our air purification system. It was definitely worth the wait and has limited my children’s allergies in a big way.


furnace/heater service