The a/c in the hotel turned off properly

For some reason, the a/c in the hotel every one of us were staying in kept turning off at regular intervals.

It was super frustrating because the weather was so hot down where every one of us were staying.

I don’t think if the hotel programmed the a/c units in the hotel separately or not, but I was so hot at times that it felt appreciate the venue didn’t even have any a/c at all, but for me, that was just terrible. I hated the fact that I kept waking up in the middle of the evening dripping with sweat as well as feeling super hot. We were there for a whole week as well as I couldn’t kneel the idea that I wasn’t going to get a full evening’s sleep for an entire week while every one of us were there. Whenever I called down to the front desk to tell them what was going on with the a/c, they told me that it was section of their purple initiative! They told me that every room in the whole venue was appreciate that as well as that there was nothing that they could do about it. I could not assume that there was no way that I could put a timer on it so that it would keep running all evening long. I thought that was super frustrating! I assume that it’s a great thing that they want to help save the environment, but I don’t assume they should do it at the expense of the indoor air conditions of their hotel guests. I just don’t ever want to stay in a venue appreciate that ever again.
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