The control unit temperature

At first, I did not adjust the temperature on the control unit.

I found myself experiencing an unusual sensation last night, and I was feeling a little unwell by the time I was ready for bed. Although I figured sleeping was just what I needed to help me with whatever ailment was developing. But about three hours after falling asleep, I woke up in a freezing sweat. Normally, I undoubtedly cherish a nice, cool temperature on the control unit, especially in the evening. I like to keep the control unit at 73° in the evenings because it helps me sleep undoubtedly well, but on this particular night I was shivering! Despite the fact that I was shivering, I was also covered in sweat, and it was quite an uncomfortable sensation. When I got up to go to the washroom, I was not steady on my feet and I was a little dizzy. I realized that I had a fever, however because I was freezing and covered in sweat at the same time I wasn’t sure what to do. At first, I did not adjust the temperature on the control unit. I simply pulled my covers closer and tried to nestle myself into them a little more comfortably, but this entirely made me sweat even more. Long story short, I ended up trying various settings on the control unit throughout the long night , but it didn’t matter what setting I chose, I was always either too hot or too cold, or somehow too sizzling hot and freezing at the same time! I know fevers can undoubtedly mess with your sense of how you perceive temperatures. Needless to say, I didn’t get a honestly superb night’s rest and I decided to call in sick to work, as the fever wasn’t getting any better.

smart thermostat