The italian restaurant had leaky air ducts

I was multiple months pregnant, waiting in this italian establishment for my girlfriend to show up.

Happy Hour 2 for 1 glasses of wine was everywhere.

I was thankful for my club soda, since it was warm and I was very pregnant and hungry. As I was nibbling on snacks, I noticed water dripping from the ceiling in numerous locations throughout the restaurant. When the waiter came by for the fourth time to ask if I wanted to order something to eat yet, I asked him about the leaky ceiling. He told me that it was the air ducts, because they leak water. Then, he suddenly walked away. I amused myself with myiPhone not entirely too miserable since my girlfriend had texted my phone and let me know she was held up in traffic and would be on her way shortly. Then, as happy hour thinned the crowd out, I noticed the cooling system was loud, the dripping water was super distracting and I detected a muggy odor that seemed to be coming from the air ducts. I was now warm and pregnant. I considered going to another italian restaurant, but my girlfriend really wanted to eat here. Just as I was thinking about escaping the HVAC failure scene before me, I noticed a large group table leaving from the deck area. I felt the urgent need to claim their table, so I waddled straight over to the waiter and explained how I needed to be seated as far away from the leaky air conditioning vents as possible. As I walked outside with him he said, “I wish I could stay outside and rest under this large umbrella with you too.”


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