The portable air conditioner looked like an oxygen machine.

I was watching my neighbor roll a small machine into his house last week.

I wondered who needed oxygen that they were having an oxygen machine delivered.

The next day, I saw the homeowner come out and I asked if his mother was okay? He looked at me strangely, like he didn’t know what I was saying. After a short time, I told him I saw him bring the oxygen machine into the house. I was worried about his mom. He apologized and told me I had taken him aback. He didn’t know why I thought anyone was using oxygen. He told me it was a portable air conditioning unit. He didn’t want his grandmother going without air conditioning during the heatwave. He worried about her getting sick and even dying if she didn’t have air conditioning. Even though she didn’t want a central air conditioning unit, he thought she wouldn’t complain about a portable air conditioning unit. Unfortunately, his grandmother wasn’t even happy with a portable AC unit. She was yelling at him to get the thing out of her house. She wouldn’t have such a thing where she could see it. Even after he told her it was just an air conditioning unit, she was still upset. He was going to return the AC unit and get her a fan. When his grandma saw me outside talking to her grandson, she smiled and asked me to come in and see the thoughtful gift her son bought her. Not only wasn’t she sure about the air conditioning unit, but she was confused about him being her son and not her grandson.

a/c worker