He must have known the AC unit wasn’t right.

When the HVAC technician showed up to service my air conditioning unit, he brought a window air conditioning unit with him.

He hadn’t yet serviced my air conditioning unit, and he was already planning on the air conditioning unit to be broken and needing to be replaced.

He was busy working on the air conditioning unit when I went outside. I had finally brazened the nerve to go out and inquire about the air conditioner. I walked over to him and asked how the work on the central AC unit was going. He told me he found a few minor problems, but nothing that would cause the need for a new AC unit. I thanked him and walked away. Not five feet away, I turned and asked why he brought a window air conditioning unit with him? He started to laugh. Not only did he not know what he was going to get into when inspecting and repairing the central AC unit, but he didn’t want the tears when someone had to go without air conditioning. He said it was easier to take the window air conditioning unit back with him than to need to go back to the office and pick one up. I was the first person to ask so nicely about it. It was almost laughable when he told me one man accused him of looking for a reason to leave the AC unit and say the customer needed a new central air conditioning unit. The thought had crossed my mind, or I wouldn’t have asked him why he brought the window air conditioner with him.

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