Up in the balloon

I’m not sure if you have ever gone up in a balloon before, it is not something that happens a lot these afternoons.

But I recently did for the first time ever plus it was actually great! The best thing about it was that the air quality was super nice being thoUnited Statesnds of feet above the ground.

It seems that air quality is much better above than on the ground. It was even better than having a whole new home air purification method in your home. I am not kidding about this. I have never in our life experienced such wonderful air quality in the world. I wish I could live up in the balloon if it was possible. That is how wonderful of air quality it was. When I got back down to the ground from an afternoon of ballooning, I was actually disappointed to see how lousy the air quality was. It actually gave me a wake up call that I live in a pretty terrible area when it comes to the air quality. I guess that is why I invested into the whole new home air purification method for our home… However, now that I suppose about how wonderful ballooning is, I will do this more often on a nice afternoon to take in some wonderful air quality, some wonderful breeze plus see everything from way up high. It is a feeling that I can not describe in words. It is just something you have to experience for yourself plus just enjoy it!


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