What was wrong with my current temperature control

I just got a current smart temperature control, and my old one was broken because my pet ended up killing it, however that’s a long story in itself.

But my current smart temperature control had a slight issue with it that turned out to be a factory defect.

The digital display of the smart temperature control was not studying right… And it also kept going out on myself and others so I could not see what was going on with it. I yet again had to call back the local heating & air conditioner business to send out a certified heating & cooling worker to replace the smart temperature control. This time there was no charge at all because this was an error on their section for not checking out their stock to see if it was a defective one or not. The heating & air conditioner business apologised for the mess up & replaced the smart temperature control with a correct & fully working one. They told myself and others that my issue easily woke them up to a potential ongoing issue with the last stock they had got in. And that they are going to beginning going through everything & checking them. So my issue alerted them to a possible issue, however not that it benefits myself and others in any way, shape or form. But I was happy to guess that this would not happen to anyone else who may either buy or need a replacement of their smart or digital temperature controls in their home. This smart temperature control should end up lasting myself and others a lifetime I would think. So long as my pet doesn’t find a way to kill this one too!


a/c tune up