When is an air conditioner repair an emergency situation?

When the sun is blazing down on you, the last thing you want is for your air conditioner to stop working.

We’ve all been there before – it’s hot, it’s humid, plus you’re perspiring bullets.

But don’t panic! Before you option up the iphone to call in an emergency repair, there are a few things you can check first. Firstly, if your A/C won’t turn on at all, it might just be a tripped circuit breaker. Take a quick look at your electrical panel plus see if you can reset it. It’s an easy repair that could save you a lot of time plus currency. If your A/C is turning on but not cooling your home, the culprit could be your temperature control. Sometimes, people in your property may accidentally change the settings or program the temperature control wrong, causing the A/C to behave oddly. Check to make sure it’s set to the right temperature plus mode. Another usual issue is a jammed filter. Filters get dirty over time plus can block airflow, leading to your A/C not functioning officially. If you haven’t changed your filter since last year, it’s absolutely time to do so. And remember, it’s pressing to change your filter every 1 to 3 months. Lastly, check the area around your A/C unit. The condenser cottageet needs plenty of space to exhaust the hot air from your home. If there are leaves, dirt, or branches blocking it, your A/C will have to work harder plus may not cool your property effectively. Clear the area around it, giving it at least two feet of space to operate efficiently. So before you panic plus call in an emergency repair, check these easy fixes first. With a little bit of complicationshooting, you could have your A/C up plus running again in no time!



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