Why can’t I use a HEPA air filter?

I was talking to the HVAC technician when he was at the house.

I wanted to know where I could buy a HEPA air filter for my AC unit.

He told me I couldn’t use a HEPA air filter in my AC unit. My air conditioner was too old to fit a HEPA air filter. Only the newer models of central air conditioning units were able to hold a HEPA air filter. The inner dimensions of the air filter compartment were too small for the HEPA air filter. The fan motor wasn’t strong enough to blow air through the air filter. I would need to do too many upgrades to the air conditioner. By the time you added up the cost for the upgrades, it would be cheaper to purchase a new central air conditioning unit. I didn’t have enough money to pay for the air filters and the servicing. There was no way I could get a new air conditioning unit. He told me they had portable air purifiers, if I was worried about germs in the area. The portable unit did the same thing as a whole-home air purifications system. The only difference was; the portable unit only covered the room it was in. I sat there in awe of what he was saying. I asked if he was sure a new central air conditioning unit would be cheaper? He said it would be cheaper to get a new air conditioning unit than to do all the upgrades. I told him to install the new air conditioning unit so I could use HEPA air filters in the air conditioning unit.

air purification