Air Conditioning in the North is Something New

I am finally warm now after swimming in the sea a couple of hours ago.

It took me longer to warm up today after my swim because it is so cold out there.

I feel like I am back up north where I used to live in the states. We used to swim in the lake in June, and the water was so cold I swear there could be patches of ice still on the surface. Somehow when you are a kid you don’t seem to care so much about how cold the water is, you just want to play. We used to play with the fireplace outside, burning anything we could find. My grandparents used to burn almost all of their garbage, except for glass and metal. I became a heating expert when I was a kid with all of the burning glass and metal I did, just to see how they changed form. I caught my hair on fire a few times and got several burns on my hands and arms, molten glass gets very hot! My grandparents didn’t have air conditioning in their small camp since the summers never got that hot. I’m sure it’s a bit different now though. I noticed last time I was up there for a visit that many of the newer houses had central air conditioning units outside of their homes. I guess it is the climate change in full swing, which hopefully we can slow down or stop. Maybe one day in the future we won’t need a/c units in the northern climate areas.

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