Didn’t realize somebody could steal my window A/C unit

I was going into my household plus not entering some unknown hotel

My cousin is an alarmist. She said she had seen something on TV where someone was taking a/c devices out of the windows of houses. She kept telling me I needed to secure all of my window A/C devices so nobody would get them. I lived in the middle of a gated community. I couldn’t figure out how anyone who didn’t live at my place could get inside the gates plus steal something like an a/c device. Not only that, but everyone in our community had central a/c. If you had a window A/C device, it was most likely in the attic window. That would be quite a feat to get up to the attic plus steal an A/C device separate from being seen. I laughed at my buddy when she started talking about the thefts. I told her how crazy that was, plus I dismissed her concern for me. Approximately a week later, I was on my way loft from work plus I saw a Heating plus A/C repair van pulling out of our community. It had a couple of A/C devices on the back of the truck. All of us often saw strange repair vans inside the gate. I thought nothing about this particular one, assuming a few people had up-to-date A/C devices installed. When I got to my household, I parked in the garage plus never thought to do an inspection of my household. I was going into my household plus not entering some unknown hotel. I wish I had taken stock of my surroundings. It was something my partner was always telling me to be watchful of my surroundings. While I was at work, someone had taken my a/c device, plus it was entirely in the repair van that I had seen.

HVAC business