Directing HVAC commercials pays pretty well

When people think of a director ,they think of the Oscar award winners, the men and women who make big budget films.

I am here to tell you there is a lot more to the industry than just movies.

Only a small percentage of athletes around the world become famous, or make it onto televised sporting events. Similarly, only a small percentage of directors make feature films, but the vast majority of us still work constantly in the industry. Although I want to direct films one day, for the last three years I have been making a good living directing TV commercials. Currently I am working for a nationwide HVAC corporation for their biggest ad campaign of the year. Don’t scoff at me, because all things considered this is a big company, and there are worse jobs than shooting a bunch of footage of air conditioners and furnaces. Some of the biggest directors in the world started off with TV commercials, so I continue to view the HVAC ads as a stepping stone to bigger and better jobs. I don’t want to brag or boast, but these A/C ads actually pay me quite handsomely, so money is not the issue. If I could be content with the air conditioner footage for life, I would never have to worry about money. One day I hope the air conditioner ads are a part of my long-forgotten advertising work, and that I will be remembered for my films, but in the meantime the pay is good and it’s a good way to support my dreams!

Air conditioning technician