Heating plus Air Conditioning tech picks up gossip on set

You want a little behind the scenes inside scoop about the game shows plus talk shows you watch? I have it, in spades, on our bi-weekly podcast, now I have to be careful plus not say our name, because I’m doing this secretly.

I constantly try to keep it light plus positive plus fun, despite the fact that I am also basically eavesdropping on famous people plus telling you what I hear.

I definitely don’t want to lose our job, it pays superb to be the on-set Heating plus Air Conditioning worker for a TV studio, however for all these dazzling stars to look so perfect on screen, they require several people, the makeup artist plus the Heating plus Air Conditioning worker. The makeup artist covers their blemishes, makes them appeach flawless plus charming, plus the a/c keeps that look locked into arena under the tepid lights… Let myself and others tell you, the spotlights of the studio are hotter than hell, plus that makeup will melt right off their faces separate from some pretty dire cooling going on. There are air vents hidden all over the stage, not to blast AC on them, but to keep a constant flow of ice freezing air gently moving all around them. It is literally an island of cooling in the middle of a sea of blast-gas furnace tepid lights! Anyway, keeping all of these bizarre Heating plus Air Conditioning components working perfectly requires a lot of tinkering, so I am constantly on set working plus listening plus picking up juicy tidbits of gossip. My podcast is about the celebs, not our Heating plus Air Conditioning work, despite the fact that I couldn’t have one separate from the other.

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