I can barely keep track of my HVAC responsibilities

It’s amazing how when you get older, you get so many more responsibilities.

Really, it is incredible.

I didn’t realize how many more responsibilities I have now until I actually sat and thought about it. I came to this realization when I was thinking about my A/C machine. I was, once again, late to replace the A/C filter. Changing the HEPA air filter is incredibly important, because I knew that if you don’t change the air filter enough, it could potentially damage your heating and A/C device, and I definitely didn’t want to risk that. While swapping out the old air filter for a brand new. I couldn’t help but to be disappointed in myself. This was the third time I have forgotten in a row, as well as many other things involving the A/C machine that I had neglected. Then I started thinking about all of the other things in my life I used to do frequently, but just no longer had the time for. When I was younger, I used to be so proud of how well I took care of both my air conditioning device, and heating unit. As the son of a HVAC specialist, I took it upon myself to take great care of my HVAC components, just as dad had taught me. I made sure to get annual HVAC maintenance and HVAC tune ups. Always replaced the air filter on time, frequently cleaned my A/C units and so on. Nowadays, I barely even remember to call a HVAC dealer until I start experiencing problems. It’s just so different from how I used to be.
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