Visiting mom and dad for a week

Last week I drove 5 hours up north to go visit my mother and my father.

My parents have been divorced for nearly 25 years now at this point, so I wasn’t going to go see them at the same place, but rather each of their own houses around where I grew up.

Each year that I go back home to visit my parents it is always an interesting experience for a couple of reasons. One of the reasons that this is the case is due to the fact that my parents are very different people. My father is a very old school type of person who lives up in the forest in a tiny cabin. My mother, on the other hand, lives in a very modern tech-heavy house that is as modern as you can get. It’s always very interesting bouncing back and forth from these houses for a week. When I’m with my dad there is no heating and cooling system other than the fireplace that is in his living room. Living like this is extremely simple, however it can also be a major pain in the rear end. Then when I bounced over to my mother’s, I saw how it has a state-of-the-art heating and cooling system that you are able to control even from the car so that when you get home the house is nice and toasty. As I get older I’m starting to realize that this along with a few other reasons is why my parents didn’t last, which in all honesty is most likely for the better. Regardless of their differences and styles of living it is always a joy to go see them and experience their way of living as they get older.
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