I got rid of my central air conditioner

I got rid of my central air conditioner, but I am not sure if I like it.

I wanted to get rid of my central air conditioner to save money.

I live in the North, and the temperatures don’t get very warm up here. Sure, it gets hot during the summer, but I used to live in the South. In the South, you could never live without a central air conditioner. You would probably melt before you could even try. When I moved to the North, I figured that I wouldn’t need a central air conditioner, but the houses that I was looking at had central air conditioners, so I just bought one anyway. I decided that once the central air conditioner stopped working for good, I would stop using it and not replace it. I figured that I could save money by not paying an HVAC technician for repairs on an HVAC unit that I didn’t really need. Eventually, the central air conditioner stopped working, and true to my word, I did not have him fix the central air conditioner or replace it. I am saving money by not having a central air conditioner, but I don’t like it that much. Sure, the North might not be as warm without a central air conditioner, but I have grown used to the temperatures up here, and I am realizing that the central air conditioner did help. However, if I want to replace my central air conditioner I am going to have to spend a lot of money, and I don’t know if I want to do that either. I guess that I can just get over it.

