I have baseboard heating

I have baseboard heating, and I absolutely hate it.

I had no idea how bad baseboard heating was when I first decided to buy a house that had it.

I had never heard of baseboard heating before. When I was inspecting this house that I was planning to buy, I noticed vents on the floor, and I was interested. At first, I thought that the house had a radiator that had baseboard heating, but I was informed that I was mistaken. Instead, the house had tons of baseboard heating systems in the house. Each room had its own baseboard heater, and each heater had a separate thermostat. This meant that all of my children could adjust the thermostat to their own preferred heat. However, I found out later that I hate electric baseboard heating. Why? First of all, baseboard heating is very expensive. My electric bill is nearly twice as expensive as anyone in our neighborhood’s electric bill. Although these heating systems are very cheap to replace and install, the cost for running one of these heaters is similar to a space heater, which is outrageous. Another reason that I do not like baseboard heaters is the individual thermostats. My children are constantly adjusting the thermostats and costing me even more money. The baseboard heaters also ensure that I can only put my furniture in specific spots unless I want a fire. If I would have known how troublesome baseboard heating systems are, I would have never purchased this house. Now, I am stuck with the heaters forever unless I want to totally remodel my house.

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