My first time feeling radiant heated flooring

I remember the first time that I had ever experienced radiant heated flooring.

Where I was from, nobody had radiant heated flooring.

I didn’t even know that it was an option that existed. Since I experienced it, I have found that even in my home country, there are people that have radiant heated flooring, but it is much rarer than a furnace or a boiler. The first time that I experienced radiant heated flooring was actually in a foreign country. Specifically, in a martial arts dojo. At the time, I was living in a foreign country and learning a fancy style of martial arts. I wasn’t attending a dojo but was actually learning one-on-one with a trainer. However, when I went to hang out with a few friends in a different town, they invited me to their dojo. At the dojo, I was required to take my shoes off before stepping on the floor. The floor was incredibly soft, but there was more to it than that. The floor was warm on my foot. At first, I thought something was wrong with my feet, but my friends explained that they had radiant heated flooring. Apparently, this heating system is installed underneath the floor and can radiant through the floor. The floor was very warm, but it did not hurt me. Apparently, this type of heating system is much cheaper and more efficient, but I couldn’t help but worry about my sweaty feet. It took a while, but I eventually decided that I liked the heating system. When I came back to my home country, I had one installed in my house!


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