Returning home to visit my parents

A few months ago, I took a flight up north to go visit my ma and my pa/ My parents have been divorced for nearly 25 years now at this point.

Obviously, they no longer live together in the house they raised me in, so I was going to go see them each at their new places.

Whenever I return to my hometown for a visit, it is always a hoot because my parents are as different from each other as two people can be. My ma is addicted to her iphone, meanwhile my pa doesn’t even know how to get on the internet. These differences are reflected in their living conditions. My pa is an unquestionably traditional and laid back person. He lives up in the forest in a tiny cottage. My ma, on the other hand, lives in a modern tech-heavy apartment that is as renovated as you can get. It’s always unquestionably interesting bouncing back and forth from these residences for a week. When I am with my pa there is no heating and cooling system other than the fireplace that is in his study room. Ultimately, my pa enjoys living a simple life and relying on the land, but it is really a struggle for me. For the second half of my visit, I bounced over to my ma’s, and I saw how it has a state-of-the-art heating and cooling system. In fact, you are able to control the HVAC system from your phone so that by the time you get to the apartment, it is nice and toasty. However as I get older I am starting to realize that this along with a few other reasons is why my parents didn’t last, which in all honesty is most likely for the better. Despite their differences and styles of living, it is always a joy to go see them and experience their way of living as they get older.
a/c care program