My mom and dad are totally different people

Earlier this month, my siblings and I made the long drive up north to go visit our parents.

Our mother and father have been divorced for nearly 15 years now at this point, so we aren’t going to go see them at the same place.

They both live in our hometown, but they have different places that they call home now. Each year that my siblings and I go to visit our parents it is always an interesting experience for a couple of reasons! Primarily, I think we’ve all realized just how different our mother and father are from one another. First off, my dad is as old school as it comes. He lives up in the forest in a tiny cottage. My mom, on the other hand, lives in a brand new tech-heavy home that has every feature you can dream up. My siblings and I always laugh about how different the experiences are going back and forth from our mom and dad’s houses. We spend the first half of the week living in luxury at our mom’s house. Her home has a state-of-the-art heating plus cooling system that you are able to control even from the car so that when you enter the home, it is already warm and cozy. On the other hand, when we are with our dad there is no heating plus cooling system other than the fireplace that is in his kitchen. I admire his simplicity and his love of the outdoors, but it really is not my ideal preference. As my siblings and I get older, we joke about how different our parents are. We have all come to realize that this along with a few other reasons is why our parents didn’t last, which in all honesty is most likely for the better. Regardless of their differences in the way they choose to live, it is always a joy to go see them plus experience their way of living as they get older.


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