The new dog clogged up the air filter

I have never been a big animal person, if you know what I mean.

Dogs and cats are all well and good, and I like them, I just never wanted to keep one in my own house.

Seemed like a lot of extra work and expense just to have something shed hair everywhere. All of that changed when I found Daisy in a cardboard box by the dumpster at work. My heart melted, see how someone had abandoned this poor, old three-legged dog in the rain! I do enjoy having Daisy as a pet, but she does cause some issues. I didn’t think an air conditioner would be so affected by the presence of one dog, but that’s what happened. Since Daisy sheds so much, most of that extra hair and dander ended up being pulled into the intake air vent, and ended up stuck to the air filter. I had never given much thought to the air filters before, although I was aware of them. Whenever we had an HVAC tech come by to check on the system, I knew that they always changed the air filter. After Daisy moved in, our air filter got completely clogged up within a few weeks. Of course we didn’t realize it was the air filter at first, and thought the entire system was going off the rails! It was quite a relief to find out that I didn’t need a thousand bucks worth of HVAC repairs, I just needed to go to the store and buy air filters a lot more often!

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