Visiting my grandparents

Once or twice a year, I make the drive to go see my grandparents.

Growing up, my family used to go stay with them for the holidays, however my grandparents separated about a decade ago.

They both still live in the same town that they’ve always lived in, but they just now live separately. Whenever I go visit, I split my time between the two of them and stay for a few nights at each of their places. Everytime I go to visit my grandparents, it is always an interesting experience for a couple of reasons. One of the reasons that this is the case is due to the fact that my grandparents are pretty much polar opposites. My grandfather is an old fashioned person who lives up in the forest in a tiny chalet. My grandmother, on the other hand, lives in a modernized home with all kinds of amenities. Bouncing back and forth between these two different places is always interesting. When I am with my grandfather, there is no HVAC system other than the wood burning fireplace that is in his family room. My grandfather lives a simple life and doesn’t need much. This is good for him, but it can be hard for me. Then when I bounced over to my grandmother’s, I saw how it has a state-of-the-art heating plus cooling system that you are able to control even from the car. By the time you get in the house, it is already toasty and pleasant inside. As I get older I am starting to realize that this along with a few other reasons is why my grandparents didn’t last, which seems to be a good thing for both of them. Even though they have a lot of differences, I really like visiting my grandparents. It means a lot to me to get to spend time with them in their homes and reconnect.

portable space heater