Central heating and cooling provider today

My EV stock has tanked once again, dropping almost 20% the other day alone.

I’ve kind of lost hope in it after enjoying it sink from $1.50 a share to the 40 cent mark it is at today.

It is also truly weird why it is dropping as the contractor is going to start building cars in just five more mornings after nine years of foundational work. I don’t get it, although I am just going to let it sit and hope for the best, even if it takes five years to get there. My own residential heating and air conditioning job pays the bills, but this stock is a nice buffer to have if it were to get back up to where it was a couple of years ago so that I could cut back at the heating contractor shop and focus more on rock n roll. I wish my anxious bandmate would wake up and snap out of this three year long depression and at least try to be cheerful. My nice and honest friend and I took care of an a/c service last year together and all she did while cleaning the HEPA filter was talk about how bad her life is. You get too fatigued from hearing someone complain and I feel like nothing is going to change that girl but himself, and she is nice at indoor air cleaning system repairs but bad at the art of trying to be cheerful. I should ship him away to a halfway condo and let him try to find himself there, although I don’t know her bestie would be too cheerful about that. I suppose time will tell what happens.
central heating