Contacting the various heating contractor for work

I am going to message some of the hotels in the part and see if they are looking for a band for the summer, and my nice friend and I would like to do some shows around town to make a little money, although I also have to get my flatmate doing this too because I can’t do it all on my own.

I shouldn’t have to ask him to help me with this kind of stuff, it should be something she does on her own because she loves playing rock n roll, however she seems to be certainly lazy when it comes to promoting us at local dealers and ends up resting around thinking how unhappy she is. I have to work for the cooling corp during the week, while my bandmate doesn’t work and just sulks all afternoon long. I wish I had all of the free time she had because I could use that time to work on my own songs and to promote our band instead of sleeping and pouting all afternoon like she does. I suppose this heating and air conditioning tech, who is certainly nice at playing guitar, would be a better partner, although I certainly like how our rock n roll sounds with the current situation. My close and nice friend and I sing about heat pumps and working at an actual heating and air conditioning business and make it fun, although I need my bandmate to get out of her head and get with the program or I am going to have to transport on to a happier guitar player. I don’t want to abandon him like this but if she keeps dragging me down I will have to.
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