Changing the way so digital advertising is the way to go

All the men in our family went into the Heating and Air Conditioning industry. My dear grandparents put the Heating and Air Conditioning company together, and they started as just a single repair technician and administrative assistant. The company has built up over the years since, and as the times have changed, so has the business! Word of mouth is not enough these days, so when our superb grandparents were still working, they were the only Heating and Air Conditioning company repair technicians around. Now, there are tons of Heating and Air Conditioning companies in our area! In order to push ahead of the group and set ourselves apart, the people I was with and I need to go into the digital advertising route! For a long time our dad had been resisting my efforts to push the company into the digital age. He is anti-internet, and he also did not think buying a website would be fruitful at all. Paying for google ads and hiring a SEO company was absolute lunacy to him! For ages, the company suffered pointlessly as a result. After Dad retired, the first thing I did was call an SEO business for a consultation! I got our company a website built and paid for, with SEM to boot. Of course, I did not tell Dad about that. The last thing I’d want him to do is have a heart attack over me paying cash for keywords on google! He sincerely would not even get what I was paying for. The only thing I have admitted to my dear old father is that the company is growing from digital advertising, and our company has a website now.


Link building