Contacting local dealers for various shows

I’m pushing my bandmate to help me contact clubs and bars so my buddy and I can do some shows in them this summer. She is not a truly motivated woman so I am trying to push him a bit to help me get us some gigs. I don’t know what she does all afternoon because she has no job and doesn’t have any hobbies except playing guitar. I have a feeling she just sits around all afternoon and laments about how bad her life is and just stares at the clock or something. I am anxious sporadically too but my heating and air conditioning tech job keeps me tied up so I’m not resting at home all afternoon staring at the fireplace wondering why my life is so bad. I wonder how long she will keep doing this lamenting for? Could she just keep doing it her whole life? I suppose so, as my heating contractor had a buddy that was this way until she died an anxious lonely outdated girl all alone, with just her whole-condo air purifier to keep him as a contractor. I have several reasons I could sulk all afternoon too, although I know it leads to nowhere so I try to push against it and find some joy each afternoon in my life. The heating and cooling equipment that I have to service each afternoon is not the most fun job in the world, and I could know how bad my life is too while I am cleaning some HVAC duct in an attic by myself, but why make yourself more agitated when you don’t have to? Just venting a bit this time.


a/c set up