Electric heat pump works great

It dawned on me real quickly that my buddy and I just didn’t have enough room in this house.

However, we were all suddenly stuck inside the central air conditioning of our apartment due to a global health crisis, so it’s not like that was something that happened all the time.

Still, it was quite clear that I was having a hard time finding any privacy when my buddy and I were locked down while in the pandemic, and there was a bit of irony as well. My two older kids had been out of the apartment and in university prior to locking down inside the air conditioning at the apartment to avoid Covid. So it’s like I just got some space in the apartment only to have it jerked right back, then I knew that things weren’t going to go well if I didn’t have a bit of space to myself. So I sort of ran out of the house. Then it dawned on me that my buddy and I have a finished attic, well finished might be too much of a word. But the attic has a plywood floor that covers up all the insulation we count on to help with heating and cooling efficiency. It also had electrical outlets up there and the previous owner had put up some drywall, maybe she was trying to find some space too. I took that and went on further by adding residential Heating and Air Conditioning to the attic. The Heating and Air Conditioning professionals installed a ductless heat pump up there and it saved my sanity. It’s now just the perfect little spot thanks to the quality heating and air I get from the ductless mini split. I built a futon up there and added a lamp, so it’s like my own little quiet space to read or listen to headphones.

Commercial HVAC