Need advanced air filtration for axe body spray

There is nothing like parenthood.

When I was first starting a family I had no idea what I was getting into.

I am sure that this is a trite observation from everyone on the planet. Obviously, you never know what you’re going to get until your kids start growing up and driving you insane. This is why I am constantly bickering with my teenage child about his horrible fashion sense and insistence on putting his face all over the Internet. It’s also why I am currently having a professional heating, cooling, and air quality control specialist tell me how I can improve my indoor air quality through fancy air purification devices. I never cared about my indoor air quality before now. If my thermostat properly adjusted the indoor air temperature according to my needs, I was perfectly happy. And then… My child started using Axe Body Spray. If you have never encountered Axe Body Spray, let me tell you how much it smells. The home is constantly filled with horrible indoor smells that my buddy and I cannot detach from the air. I am tired of circulating his cheap pharmacy desmellant through the central heating, cooling, and air quality control system. And at this point I am ready to pay a professional air quality specialist to help me detach The Unwanted pollution from my indoor air. If it takes air media purifying systems, HEPA air filters, and professional ductwork cleanings it is worth it to detach this horrible smell from the air. My nose and head can’t take any more smellous migraines.


air conditioning company