Neighborhood isn’t safe – fake HVAC technicians

When I moved into the city I knew that I was going to have a lot to learn.

You have to have street smarts to get by around here, and you have to understand the lay of the land.

You cannot wander into every neighborhood and expect that you will be physically safe or financially stable when you walk back out. However, I never realized that you have to watch out for every single person you were going to encounter. You can’t even trust your heating, cooling, and air quality control technicians around here. I realized this the hard way after I had a simple heating, cooling, and ventilation system break down several months ago. I realized that the indoor air handling device repair was beyond my means so I decided to call the nearest heating, cooling, and air quality control repair shop. I thought it was strange that the HVAC dealership did not answer their phone right away. In fact, I had to call twice before the HVAC dispatcher received my heating and cooling repair request. When the indoor air temperature control specialist arrived at my house I thought that they looked a bit unprofessional. The HVAC uniform that they were wearing seemed crumpled and dirty. But I didn’t think anything of the heating and cooling specialist. That is… Until my indoor air handling device went missing 2 days later. Almost as soon as the air conditioner was repaired, it was stolen. At first I couldn’t figure out how somebody removed the HVAC system from the metal security cage… And then I remembered the heating and cooling technician. Pretty sure that HVAC shop is just an AC chop shop. Watch out.



new hvac technology