Work retreat – zone controlled heating and cooling

I can easily admit that I have a problem with catastrophizing. If I start thinking ahead about an event in my life, I will assume all of the worst-case scenarios are headed my direction. I rarely ever have optimistic thoughts because most of my experiences in the past have been negative. As such, you can imagine how excited I was when my boss said we were having a mandatory work retreat last month. I was not excited at all. Immediately, I started thinking about all the things that could go wrong. One of my largest concerns was the indoor air temperature and air quality. I am known to be a bit of an air quality snob because I have such severe indoor allergies. If I do not take care of my respiratory system by managing my indoor air quality through advanced filtration systems, I will get sick very quickly. Beyond that, I am extremely sensitive to indoor air temperatures. I will easily become ill if the air temperature is not within a certain range or it fluctuates too greatly. All of these heating, cooling, and air quality control concerns put together made me extremely anxious about the retreat. But I was pleasantly surprised to find a state-of-the-art indoor air quality control system when we arrived. In fact, the rental had air purification equipment as well as zone controlled heating and cooling. I enjoyed the indoor air temperature and air quality equipment so much that I didn’t want to leave… I even started catastrophizing about my terrible central HVAC system when I arrived home.

heating industry