Stay on top of heat pump repairs

If it weren’t for the lists and alerts I have all over my devices, I’m not so sure that I’d be able to function.

At least, I wouldn’t have a chance of remembering everything that had to get done, as it seems that as soon as I wake up, I’m running.

Seriously, that’s no way to start a day. But I have to get charging to be sure that I’m one of the first inside the commercial Heating and Air Conditioning comfort of the office. The boss keeps track of who gets in early and who stays late, and unluckily I’m not one of those folks who has a thermostat inside their own office just yet. So I have to be sure that I’m doing all I can to make it to the next level. And so I am spending upwards of 68 hours a week inside that commercial Heating and Air Conditioning, as I have family and apartment responsibilities. That’s why I rely on all the reminders I have set up in my life. First, it’s the lists and I have them sort of prioritized and categorized. Sort of like, weekly, bi-weekly and bi-weekly lists. Along with the lists, I have alerts set on my iPhone and my iPad to remind me to do stuff like change the air filter for the Heating and Air Conditioning equipment. That’s a big deal because I constantly want to be on top of taking care of the Heating and Air Conditioning equipment, because the heating and cooling comfort of myself and my family are essential. I also have alerts that let me know when it’s time to call the Heating and Air Conditioning corporation to schedule the Heating and Air Conditioning maintenance. There is an alert for the Fall heating maintenance and an alert for an air conditioning tune up in the Springtime.


Stay on top of heat pump repairs