Summer is coming and I have to help my mom

The weather is really heating up around here now and I really have to help my mom get her place ready for the summer.

I promised my mom that whenever I got out of classes for the summer, I would come and help her get everything up and ready to go for the summer season at her house.

I’m still planning on doing it, but I did not finish up with my classes as soon as I thought I would. Then I ended up having to stay at school to get some things finished up in our apartment and now I’m finally getting back home. I’m actually dreading going over there to help her out because I hate going up into the attic and that’s where she keeps her two window unit air conditioning systems. I don’t know why in the world my mom is such a holdout on getting a central air conditioning system for her house. She’s like the last person that I know of who does not already have a central air conditioning system. I guess you could say that my mom is just really old school. She has one window unit A/C for her bedroom and she has another window unit A/C for the kitchen. Other than that, if you want air conditioning, then you just have to go somewhere else. It’s really annoying, if you ask me. I told her that I would pay for the central air conditioning system with money that I make for my summer job when I’m off from school, but she says that she does not need it. Maybe she doesn’t need it, but I certainly do whenever I come home from school!
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