The life of a heating and cooling tech

I’ve been living here for eight years now and have switched from comedy to tunes and am glad with my decision because I was growing too tired of the comedy scene

I lead an easy easy life nowadays, working part time each week and then spending the rest of the time enjoyable or riding around on my bike… Back in 2005 you could easily say that I had it all; a nice house, a pricey truck, a company making good money. But I felt an emptiness inside even with all of these things, so I decided to make a change. I sold my rental house and main home and got rid of all of my possessions that owned me, then I packed my automobile and moved to NYC to do comedy full time. Air conditioned dive bars and clubs are where I practiced till I felt I was ready for the next step. I then did professional shows for a few years, basically chasing money again, so after that I decided to travel overseas for a greater challenge. My heating and cooling boss told me that he had another heating and A/C company on the Spanish coast so I moved over there to start a different life. I’ve been living here for eight years now and have switched from comedy to tunes and am glad with my decision because I was growing too tired of the comedy scene. I’ve done 2000 shows in local corporations and clubs and have made a lot of fun memories and friends in the process, doing numerous shows in overheated clubs with no weather conditions control in the heat of the summer. But even with all of this I still feel like there is something missing, haha, what is that something? Maybe my central heating and A/C rep boss was right when he said that my associate and I are constantly going to feel some emptiness in our hearts.

hvac technician