The thermostat didn't seem to be working at all

My sister asked me to house-sit while she was on vacation.

My sister has two dogs and a bird.

She didn’t want to take them with her on vacation, and she didn’t want to put them in a boarding facility either. When my sister asked me to house-sit, I agreed to complete the task. My sister was gone for 5 days. During that time, I took care of the dogs and gave them food and water. I made sure that the bird had plenty of seed. The second day that I was in my sister’s home, I began to experience trouble with the air conditioner. It was warm inside the house and I wanted to adjust the indoor temperature. I located the thermostat in the living room and I adjusted the indoor temperature. I turned the air conditioner down two degrees, hoping it would eliminate some of the warm spots.The indoor temperature continued to get warmer and warmer and the temperature on the thermostat was reading 3 degrees higher than where I set the number. I tried to call my sister, but she didn’t answer the phone. I don’t know if she had service or if she was screening her calls, but she didn’t call me back for 2 days. When I finally got my sister on the phone, she told me that the air conditioner was having problems recently. She offered to pay me back if I wanted to call a repairman, but I decided to let my sister handle things when she got home from her trip.


The thermostat didn't seem to be working at all