Working for the various house services business

I just sent my bandmate a message asking him if she has any motivation to contact hotels in the park to see if my buddy and I can play at their venues. She is pretty much nonfunctional except for playing guitar and singing a couple times a week. But to be in a successful band requires more than just picking up the guitar and playing a couple hours a week. Maybe she doesn’t have it in him because she is too tied up thinking about how bad her life is, but if she does not try to help me out then I’m done. The current contractor in town could be a better bandmate for me because however she is tied up running the heating contractor store she is at least a happier woman and has more motivation than my lame duck bandmate. I am not the happiest woman in the world but at least I am trying to push the band forward in the ways that I know how. My bandmate however, just sits in her room and stares at her whole-condo air purifier while thinking how bad her life is. I suppose there is not much a depressed woman can do but know about how depressed they are. She is nice at working on current heating units and cleaning ducts for a commercial heating and air conditioning system, but that doesn’t help our band much in the end. I suppose I will try one more time to see if she can help us get gigs, but if not then my buddy and I am going to have to tell him I am done.

heat pump install