HVAC store employee was helpful

When my boyfriend told me that he needed to make a trip to the HVAC store, I wasn’t surprised at all.

I knew he was wanting to pick up a few things there, and we needed to get more air filters anyway.

However, my boyfriend never got the chance to go to the HVAC business, because he had to work late. So instead, he wrote down the things he wanted me to buy, and asked me to go instead. I didn’t mind taking a quick trip there, but the only issue is, I couldn’t find the paper where he wrote the instructions down on. I tried to call him, but he didn’t answer. I decided to go to the A/C store anyway, because how hard could it be? Well the answer is a lot harder than I had ever imagined it to be, and I found myself facing a wall of different HVAC technology and HVAC products. For the air filters, there were so many different kinds and brands, it made me feel dizzy. I had not even the slightest clue which I should go with. I guess I looked visibly confused, because a HVAC store employee came over, and started explaining some of the different HVAC types, and which ones would be best fitted for different air conditioners. I knew he wasn’t just trying to sell me the most expensive product, because he even mentioned that if I couldn’t afford a HEPA air filter, that there was a cheaper option available. The employee was incredibly helpful, and with his help, I found it was easy to choose the right air filter.

heat and ac products